Busy Bags

1) Mini Mr. Potatohead (at Walmart in the toys, they're in that section with the dollar or so toys)
2) Finger puppets
3) Lacing-beads or cards
4) Cereal Necklaces
5) Mini Playdoughs with tools
6) Matching games (Family, Animals, Numbers, Colors, etc)
7) Paper clips or clothespins and Paint Swatches
8)Peg Stackers
9) Pencils and Erasers
10) Stickers and a notebook
11) Dominoes
12) Locks and Keys
13) Tangrams
14) Shaped I Spy Bag
15) Number Mats and Animals
16) Mini Felt Board and pieces
17) Homemade Puzzles
18) Nuts and Bolts
19) Cars and Construction Paper Roads
20)Foam Blocks and Pattern Cards
21)Puzzles and Rice(or Beans)-put the pieces into the rice and have the kids dig around for all the pieces then put the puzzle together
22)Push pins and corkboards
23)Build a letter (freebie templates)