Sensory Bins/Tables

~ black beans (transportation, pirates, Halloween), yellow lentils (Halloween), split peas (St. Patrick's Day)
~ small pebbles (dinosaurs)
~ cottonballs (winter, bathtime)
~ aquarium rocks (ocean, pond, weather, outerspace)
~ pom poms (multi-colored-candy, black-outerspace)
~ beads (blue-robot, red-Valentine's Day, 4th of July)
~ bird seed or scratch feed (farm)
~colored rice (green- Christmas, Easter, bugs, pink-Easter)
~straw (harvest)
~pasta (October)
~silk leaves (fall)
~sand (beach, dinosaurs)
~potting soil (gardening)
~shredded paper (rainbow)
~popcorn kernels (Thanksgiving)
~polished rocks (construction)
~packing peanuts
~dry oatmeal
~foam pieces
~small legos
~baking flour
~shaving cream (airplanes and clouds)

Sources: Counting Coconuts, 1+1+1=1, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails, Facebook-Teach Preschool

jonti-craft - has applications of the different bases and ideas for sensory tables (just hit "begin presentation" and scroll through to the "ideas, ideas, ideas"